Richard Hubert Smith © - Photo from a performance of Madame Butterfly by Welsh National Opera, a cast of about 12 people wearing mainly white with pops of pink look on at Alexia Voulgaridou (Cio-Cio San) crouching down besides Keel Watson (The Bonze) holding paper aloft as he sings

Thierry Bal © - A woman wearing black and sat down looks up at a tree trunk with the roots visible at the Turner Contemporary, as part of their 'The Waste Land' exhibition

Bill Cooper © - A photo from Ballet Black's performance of The Suit, with three dancers visible, one looks on as another dancer lifts his partner into the air

The Orchard Project © – A picture of about 25 people wearing outdoor cloths and holding spades and watering cans smiling at the camera as part of a planting exercise

Steven Falk © - A close up picture of a bee on top of a bright pink flower against a bright green background, captured by the Bumblebee Conservation Trust
We are an independent grantmaking foundation supporting charities that make a difference to people, society and the natural world.
You can find out more about what we fund in our What We Fund section.

Finance and investments
We aim to invest and manage our funds in a way that balances the desire to maintain the financial capacity for grantmaking over the long-term, with direct support for our aims through our investment activities.
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Survey feedback
We are a funder that is committed to being responsive, discerning, connected, flexible and applying a personal touch in all that we do – especially when making grants.
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Supporting the potential of the highest quality art to enrich and transform lives

Contributing to greater harmony between people and planet
Social Action
Helping create an inclusive society where all can thrive

Kakilang (formerly Chinese Arts Now)
In November 2022, John Ellerman Foundation awarded £90,000 over three years for core costs to Kakilang
Find out more about Kakilang (formerly Chinese Arts Now)Find out more
Pesticide Action Network UK
In September 2022, John Ellerman Foundation contributed £90,000 over three years towards the core costs of PAN UK’s programme of work in the UK
Find out more about Pesticide Action Network UKFind out more
UKOTs Fund
Falklands Conservation
In November 2022, the Foundation provided £121,000 of funding to Falklands Conservation for 16 months to deliver a project in the Falklands Islands
Find out more about Falklands Conservation Find out more
© John Ellerman Foundation Aria House, 23 Craven Street, London WC2N 5NS.
Registered Charity Number 263207