We are committed to openness and transparency in everything that we do. Here you can find our strategy and some of our organisational policies, which provide details about how we work.

John Ellerman Foundation Strategy 2022-25
John Ellerman Foundation Impact Framework

Investment Policy

Social Investment Policy

Environmental Sustainability Policy

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy

Recruitment Policy

Complaints Policy

John Ellerman Foundation Strategy 2022-25
John Ellerman Foundation Impact Framework

Investment Policy

Social Investment Policy

Environmental Sustainability Policy

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy

Recruitment Policy

Complaints Policy

Finance and investments
We aim to invest and manage our funds in a way that balances the desire to maintain the financial capacity for grantmaking over the long-term, with direct support for our aims through our investment activities.
Find out more about Finance and investmentsFind out more
Case studies
As a grantmaker we achieve our impact through funding others. Here are some examples of the grants we make, and why.
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Grants list
Take a look at the grants we've made since 2013, covering all of our funding categories.
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Finance and investments
We aim to invest and manage our funds in a way that balances the desire to maintain the financial capacity for grantmaking over the long-term, with direct support for our aims through our investment activities.
Find out more about Finance and investmentsFind out more
Case studies
As a grantmaker we achieve our impact through funding others. Here are some examples of the grants we make, and why.
Find out more about Case studiesFind out more
Grants list
Take a look at the grants we've made since 2013, covering all of our funding categories.
Find out more about Grants listFind out more
Annual funding data
This section gives some overall numbers about the applications we received and the grants approved in the most recent financial year.
Find out more about Annual funding dataFind out more