Search our grants
This section lists all grants we have made since 2013. The categories from 2013 to 2018 were Arts, Environment and Welfare. This changed in 2018 when Welfare was replaced with Social Action. There are also separate categories for grants to the Museums and Galleries Fund and to the UK Overseas Territories (UKOTs) Fund.
Please note that the Visit Website button under each grant listed is a link to the listed grant-holder's website.
National Youth Theatre
Towards the costs of 30 new national freelance employment opportunities for a cohort of diverse young professional creatives
National Youth Theatre
Championing Theatre Creators: direct employment and support of diverse young professional creatives |
North West Wildlife Trusts
Towards core costs and policy work to secure better managed Marine Protected Areas in the Irish Sea |
Northern Ballet
Towards core costs associated with the creation and production of new work |
ORA Singers
Towards core costs in support of their capacity to commission, perform and record new choral repertoire |
Outside In
Towards their "Curating Collections Course" |
Pleasance Theatre Trust
Towards expanding their National Partnerships Programme |
Rachel Swart Fund
Towards core costs of their support for people living with physical disabilities in South Africa
Refugee Action
Towards the design, delivery and evaluation of their campaigning work |