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This section lists all grants we have made since 2013. The categories from 2013 to 2018 were Arts, Environment and Welfare. This changed in 2018 when Welfare was replaced with Social Action. There are also separate categories for grants to the Museums and Galleries Fund and to the UK Overseas Territories (UKOTs) Fund.
Please note that the Visit Website button under each grant listed is a link to the listed grant-holder's website.
Family Rights Group
Towards the core costs of their work with children at risk or in the care system, and their families
Fauna & Flora International
Towards the core costs of the Coastal Communities Network in Scotland to enable community groups to actively collaborate, share experiences and create a united voice on sustainable marine issues |
Forum for the Future
Towards the costs of a 'Scale Lab', to develop networks of retailers, farmers, producers and landowners who adopt farming practices which restore and enhance soil health.
Forward Thinking
Towards the costs of the 'Building Bridges' programme, which promotes equality and inclusion by supporting Muslim communities to engage with the establishment
Future Trees Trust
Towards core operational costs that will increase their profile and influence across the forestry, ecology, academic and land-owning sectors |
Costs towards supporting playwrights from non-traditional backgrounds to create new work |
Hereford Cider Museum
Towards the salary of the Director and partner costs, to increase capacity for curation and interpretation and deliver an ambitious exhibition programme in partnership with the National Trust and Brightspace Foundation
Hull Maritime Museum
Towards the salaries of a Conservation and Engagement Officer and a Collections and Documentation Assistant |
Independent Parental Special Education Advice (IPSEA)
Towards the costs of increasing internal capacity to support individuals and thereby develop evidence for policy and advocacy work to ensure SEND children and young people get the right support and education |