Grants we have made

Grants list

Tamsin Drury © - Performer in Daughters of the Curry Revolution at the SICK! Festival, blowing dust from her hand resulting in an orange cloud near her face and hand.

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This section lists all grants we have made since 2013. The categories from 2013 to 2018 were Arts, Environment and Welfare. This changed in 2018 when Welfare was replaced with Social Action. There are also separate categories for grants to the Museums and Galleries Fund and to the UK Overseas Territories (UKOTs) Fund.

Please note that the Visit Website button under each grant listed is a link to the listed grant-holder's website.

The History of Science Museum

Towards the salary of a new Islamic Collections Curator to develop and strengthen the skills and expertise in the curation of Islamic objects within the museum, whilst working with local volunteers and communities to integrate the curatorial role with community engagement

Museums and Galleries
Year awarded
Grant size
2 years
Visit website

User Voice

Towards the costs of developing the "User Knowledge" initiative to identify emerging issues in the criminal justice system, campaign for systemic change and proactively develop recommendations for wider service improvements

Social Action
Year awarded
Grant size
3 years
Visit website

User Voice

Towards the costs of developing the "User Knowledge" initiative to identify emerging issues in the criminal justice system, campaign for systemic change and proactively develop recommendations for wider service improvements

Social Action
Year awarded
Grant size
3 years
Visit website

Young Women's Trust

Towards the costs of expanding their Advisory Panel of young women and increase their involvement in the Trust's advocacy and influencing work

Social Action
Year awarded
Grant size
3 years
Visit website

YoungDementia UK

Towards the salary of the National Development Manager to develop and coordinate the Young Dementia Network which brings together people living or working with young onset dementia to drive changes in UK policy and practice

Social Action
Year awarded
Grant size
3 years
Visit website

Adfam National

Towards the costs of developing, training and supporting a network of skilled volunteer champions to continue their work supporting anyone affected by the drug or alcohol use of a close friend or family member.

Year awarded
Grant size
2 years
Visit website

Asylum Support Appeals Project

Towards core costs to enable them to prevent destitution amongst asylum seekers through legal representation and improving policy and practice

Social Action
Year awarded
Grant size
3 years
Visit website

Bail for Immigration Detainees

Towards the costs of their "Separated Families" project, providing legal advice and representation to parents held in or facing detention for immigration reasons

Year awarded
Grant size
3 years
Visit website

Beat - Eating Disorders Association

Towards the costs of recruiting and training 200 new helpline volunteers to support those affected by eating disorders and their families

Year awarded
Grant size
3 years
Visit website

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We aim to advance the wellbeing of people, society and the natural world by focusing on the arts, environment and social action. We believe these areas can make an important contribution to wellbeing.

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