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This section lists all grants we have made since 2013. The categories from 2013 to 2018 were Arts, Environment and Welfare. This changed in 2018 when Welfare was replaced with Social Action. There are also separate categories for grants to the Museums and Galleries Fund and to the UK Overseas Territories (UKOTs) Fund.
Please note that the Visit Website button under each grant listed is a link to the listed grant-holder's website.
Towards the cost of a Children's Nurse in West Sussex for children with chronic medical conditions, while the position transfers to being funded by the NHS.
Action on Disability and Work UK
Towards core costs, specifically the salary of the Advice Line Supervisor to develop the national advice service.
Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC)
Towards core costs, specifically to develop a global standard for the aquaculture industry.
AVA (Against Violence and Abuse)
Towards the costs of 'The Dancer', a short film to raise awareness of the impact of and alternatives to forced marriage.
Towards core costs, specifically the salary of the Projects Officer to support young people in care to improve their life outcomes.
Blackpool Council
Towards the salary of the Collections Officer to research and manage Blackpool's historic illuminations collection.
British Trust for Ornithology
Towards the costs of the 'Beyond the Maps' project, establishing how habitat change affects the abundance of birds.
Britten Sinfonia
Towards the core costs of the artistic programme, and other activities.
Towards core costs, specifically the salary of the Chief Executive to support and develop its work to halt and reverse the decline of all invertebrates.