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This section lists all grants we have made since 2013. The categories from 2013 to 2018 were Arts, Environment and Welfare. This changed in 2018 when Welfare was replaced with Social Action. There are also separate categories for grants to the Museums and Galleries Fund and to the UK Overseas Territories (UKOTs) Fund.
Please note that the Visit Website button under each grant listed is a link to the listed grant-holder's website.
Bumblebee Conservation Trust
Towards the costs of improving habitats for bumblebees in North Kent, home to five of the six most endangered species of bumblebee in the UK
Campaign Bootcamp
Towards the costs of providing campaign training for disabled activists so they have the skills, networks and confidence to take action on the issues that matter most to them
Campaign for National Parks
Towards the salaries of the Chief Executive and Campaigns and Communications Officer, to support their work ensuring the 13 English and Welsh National Parks are used and valued for their wildlife conservation and contribution to a healthier society
Centre for Sustainable Healthcare
Towards the core costs of their work developing greener models of care in the NHS.
Chance UK
Towards the salary of the Quality and Evaluation Manager to improve the quality and impact measurement of their early intervention programme for the most at risk young people aged 5-10 and their parents.
Cleanup UK
Towards the costs of expanding to Birmingham volunteer litter groups in disadvantaged areas to improve local neighbourhoods and develop community cohesion
Towards the costs of their UK clean air work,engaging with and holding to account government and local authorities on new air quality plans.
Towards the salary of a new Head of Business Development to increase management capacity and allow them to support more people with hearing loss through advocacy, advice and employment skills training
English National Ballet
Towards the core costs of their artistic programme during a period of transition to a new home on London City Island.