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This section lists all grants we have made since 2013. The categories from 2013 to 2018 were Arts, Environment and Welfare. This changed in 2018 when Welfare was replaced with Social Action. There are also separate categories for grants to the Museums and Galleries Fund and to the UK Overseas Territories (UKOTs) Fund.
Please note that the Visit Website button under each grant listed is a link to the listed grant-holder's website.
Falklands Conservation
Towards the salary of a Habitat Officer, to continue their conservation work with local and international partners across the Falkland Islands.
Family and Childcare Trust
Towards the salary of a new Programme Development Manager to expand the Parents Champions programme into areas of greatest need, to increase parents' take up of local early support and family services.
Family Links
Towards core funding of its work empowering children, parents, families and schools to be emotionally healthy
Fledglings Family Services
Towards the salary of a new CEO to drive development and growth, in particular in digital areas, to reach more families and carers of children with disabilities.
Towards the core costs of providing advice and support for one parent families.
Graeae Theatre Company
Towards core costs to develop opportunities in the performing arts for deaf and disabled actors, writers and directors in the North.
Human Trafficking Foundation
Towards the core costs of its work influencing policy, surporting survivors and raising awareness about modern day slavery.
Institute for Statecraft
towards the salary costs of a Project Coordinator for the Shared Outcomes Programme
Law for Life: Foundation for Public Legal Education
Towards the salary the Head of Education and Training to enable the strategic development and scaling up of a community based public legal education programme.